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Where everyone can thrive, not just a few top leaders.

We invite you to reconsider.

In the past, have you felt let down by your company? Have you second guessed if marketing is truly the right fit?

Come, ask questions, and discover why She Means Business stands out.

Success and Opportunity For All

In the American consumer goods industry, renowned for stability even in challenging times, success is not limited to a select few. Clients consistently return due to the consumable nature of our products, offering a stable, reliable repeat income.

The Proven She Means Business Process

Specializing in marketing and education within this industry, we prioritize knowledge-sharing over conventional sales methods. As a united team, we support you through every step of your journey toward success. Our proven system ensures that your goals become achievements.

Join us and experience the difference.


With She Means Business, you will experience unparalleled schedule flexibility because you work remotely, allowing you to prioritize precious moments with your family.

You can achieve your financial goals on your terms, choosing when to work and savoring the things that truly matter.

Never miss a moment with the people who matter most in your life. Embrace the ultimate balance between professional success and cherished family time.

Meet Some Of The She Means Business Team

Cortney Copley

I was just like you.

I found myself wishing I had a job that was fulfilling, would pay the bills (and then some!) and would still leave time to make my family and my passions a top priority. Many people rely on two incomes, juggling family activities, full time jobs, volunteering... it's no wonder we struggle to find balance in the stress of everyday life. But, I found a way that works for me to "have it all"!

After years in the mortgage business, I quit in 2007 to start a local marketing team, representing a US manufacturer and finally was able to truly put my family and my passions on my calendar first. Today, over 450 other team members from all different backgrounds and experiences have joined me in the mission of helping other people. Many of us work virtually just 10-20 hours per week - with the flexibility to choose our own schedules. And best of all, we have created a balance of the priorities in our lives and careers.

We would love to help you, too!

Courtney Martin

Hello, I'm Courtney Martin. For ten years, I immersed myself in a bustling corporate world, dedicating over 60 hours each week. My commitment was clear, and my six-figure salary spoke volumes. But when the joys of motherhood called, I felt a pull towards home. My husband, a powerhouse in sales, and I took a deep breath and made a pivotal decision for me to leave my career and become a stay at home mom. We used to have a lot of money and no time. Then, when I left my career, we found ourselves with a lot of time and not enough money. We needed both!

That's when I was presented with this opportunity. It wasn't just another career opportunity; it was a lifeline. A way for me to bring my professional knowledge to the table, earn a solid income, and still catch every school play, every soccer match, and every bedtime story. Today, my daughters, who are 13 and 15, see two sides of me: a dedicated mom and a confident businesswoman.

After 17 wonderful years of marriage, my husband and I are more in tune than ever. We enjoy spontaneous dates, travel, and making the most of every moment.

In today's fast-paced world, achieving that ideal work-life balance can feel like an elusive dream. But I'm living proof that it's possible. For every woman juggling career aspirations with family commitments, know that you don't have to choose one over the other. Let's connect and pave a path that leads to both personal fulfillment and professional success. If you're ready to redefine what it means to be a working mom in today's age, I'm here to guide and empower you every step of the way. Don't just dream about balance – let's make it your reality.

Sabrina Ellis

My name is Sabrina Ellis. I am passionate about helping families reduce financial stress with an additional stream of income. I'm a Christian, an entrepreneur, a wife, and a mom of five. Life can be a little crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way

I spent five years in insurance, trying to juggle working in corporate America and being a new mom. After my first child was born, my heart was pulling on me to stay home full-time. My husband and I made the decision that I should leave my career and stay home with our daughter. We took a drastic cut in pay and our lifestyle had to scale down. We began living paycheck to paycheck.

Over the years, we grew to a family of seven with two girls and three boys. I continued to stay home with the children and we made the decision to homeschool. Finances continued to be tight. Doug had a great job, but with five children, it took every penny he earned to stay afloat.

In January of 2015, my husband unexpectedly lost his job. We were not prepared. It was like the rug was pulled out from underneath us. An accounting position became available and I returned to work to help make ends meet. While I enjoyed having a career, I desperately wanted to get back home with my family.

After months of prayer, I was given the opportunity to partner with a company in the consumer goods industry. It has been a wonderful fit, allowing me to have my career while working remotely and being present with my family.

Today, I help women come home to their families while still having a fulfilling career. I personally assist these women in every step of the journey toward success. With a proven system of achievement, I work closely with you to ensure your goals are reached.

Let’s join forces and make your dream of financial security a reality.

Stacy Kinder

Hi there! My name is Stacy Kinder.

I am a woman of faith, mother of three wonderful children and two dogs, and a proud empty-nester.

I left traditional Corporate America years ago to stay home and raise my children. As I transitioned from full time motherhood to entrepreneurship, I discovered a new path that allowed me to create time freedom and financial independence on my own terms.

My passion now lies with helping fellow empty-nesters to embark on a new chapter of life, one filled with the freedom to travel and financial independence. I believe that this stage of life offers incredible opportunities for reinvention and exploration. By guiding empty-nesters in pursuing a new way to earn I help them transform their newfound freedom into a source of income while enjoying the flexibility to explore the world. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of empty-nesting, turning it into a time of boundless possibilities and financial abundance.

I am excited to connect with you and help you get started on your new journey.

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